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TM 55-1905-219-14-1
a. The Tank Level Indicating System provides a way of determining the level of fluids stored in shipboard fluid
tanks. The fluid level is indicated on meters contained in system components found throughout the ship. Electrical
signals representing the fluid level that has been determined can also be examined to determine whether the fluid level
falls. within already set values in the associated tanks. If the fluid level falls below or rises above these values, audible
and visual signal alarm indications can be found at system components or at other shipboard locations.
b. Tank Level Indicating System Components can be divided into four general categories: Fluid level detection
devices, receiver devices, remote alarm and fluid level indicating devices, and installation accessories.
c.  Fluid Level Detection Devices are installed in the fluid tanks of the ship. They serve as transducers that
convert the fluid level in the tank to an electrical signal. Cable assemblies associated with the fluid level detection devices
connect transmitters to the ships' wiring and then to the receivers.
d. The Transmitter is a cylindrical float assembly located on a stainless steel tube that is free to move up and
down within limits established by pairs of brackets.
e. The receiver modules are mounted in the Engine Access Room and Aft engine Room. The Engine Access
Room receivers show the levels in the two fuel tanks and the fresh water tank. The Aft Engine Room receivers show the
levels in the sea water ballast tanks. The receiver module has the operating controls meter and alarm indicators. The
alarm indicators are for high level and low level. The receiver modules are mounted in a panel that contains the circuits
common to all receiver modules. The panel also contains an audible alarm.


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