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TM 55-1905-219-14-9
When a fuse link is found to have an open circuit it is recommended that the
temperature control thermostat be replaced along with the fuse link. This
recommendation is made because a relationship between open fuse links and
intermittent abnormal temperature control thermostat operation was found.
Thermostats have been observed to operate between normal cutin and cutout
temperatures for a number of cycles, then remain closed to allow a higher than
normal temperature to be reached. This may occur at varying intervals causing
the fuse link to become opened. Whenever a fuse link is found open the heater
element should be checked for a grounded condition.
(5) Safety limiter thermostat. A second "snap" action thermostatic switch provides a back-up to the heat
control thermostat. This thermostat is located in the back panel near the heating element and operates in the
same manner as the heat control thermostat. This provides the drying system with protection in the event of
blocked exhaust, clogged lint screen, an overloaded drum, etc.
(6) Pushbutton starting switch and dryer door.
(a) The pushbutton starting switch and dryer door switch are single pole single throw switches riveted
to a common mounting bracket
(b)  The start push button. when depressed closes a circuit to the motor running and starting
windings. The button must be held in until the motor comes up to operating speed, approximately one second,
at which time the single-pole, double-throw, motor governor operated switch, changes contacts and a1lows the
motor to run without the start button.
(c) The dryer door switch actuating arm extends through a slot in the front panel in the dryer door
opening. When its contacts are held closed by the dryer door it maintains a circuit to the dryer motor.
(7) Cycle end buzzer.
(a) The cycle end buzzer sounds for approximately 1 second at the end of either cycle indicating to
the user that the clothing should be removed from the dryer at that time, to avoid wrinkling. Cycle end buzzer
operation is as follows'
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