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TM 55-1905-223-24-2
If replacement capscrews are of a higher grade than
originally supplied, adhere to torque specifications
for that placement.
1. Always use the torque values listed above when specific torque values are not available.
2. Do not use above values in place of those specified in other sections of this manual; special attention should be
observed when using SAE Grade 6, 7 and 8 capscrews.
3. The above is based on use of clean, dry threads.
4. Reduce torque by 10% when engine oil is used as a lubricant.
5. Reduce torque by 20% if new plated capscrews are used.
6. Capscrews threaded into aluminum may require reductions in torque of 30% or more of Grade 5 capscrews torque
and must attain two capscrew diameters of thread engagement.


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