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Major Area The boot top region, topsides, superstructure, deck, cabin, bulkheads, large hull area or other
surface of considerable dimension.
Major Painting The renewal of a paint surface or paint system on a major area
Marine Chemist An individual who possesses a current Marine Chemist Certificate issued by the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) Exposure Concentration of a drug or chemical not to be
exceeded under any circumstances.
Mil Thickness Used to measure the dry film thickness (DFT) of a paint coat or system to insure sufficient
application of the protective coating. A mil equals one thousandth of an inch.
Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere An atmosphere having an oxygen concentration of less than 19.5% by
Paint Coat. The dry film thickness of paint applied in one coat.
Paint Surface The painted surface of a structure consisting of the topmost layer of protective paint.
Paint System The protective paint barrier that covers a painted structure, which may consist of
pretreatment coat, primer coats, intermediate coats, and finish or topcoats.
Pretreatment Coat The wash primer or preprimer paint film applied under the regular primer paint coat.
Used for better bonding and corrosion control.
chemically with the steel to form a corrosion resistant surface.
Proprietary Coatings Commercially available epoxy anticorrosive coating used as an acceptable
alternative to epoxy-polyamide.
Safety Lock-off Device A safety lock-off device is any operating control, which requires positive action
by the operator before the tool can be turned on.
Scantling In shipbuilding, dimensions of structural parts, including frames, beams, girders, and plating,
which must be adhered to according to specifications. Minimum scantling is prescribed for the various
types and sizes of watercraft by classification societies. Also generally, soft wood timber measuring less
than 5" X 5".
Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) The maximum Exposure limit to a substance based on a 15 minute
time weighted average.
Solvent Cleaning The process of cleaning surfaces using chemical solvents, which remove oil and
Spray Coat A spray coat consists of one or more passes, depending on the paint, and should be
considered as that amount of paint applied at one time just short of sagging, running, wrinkling, and
Surface Preparation This is the process of cleaning a surface prior to applying paint.
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