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![]() TB 55-1900-201-45/1
MARINE CONDITION SURVEY - A written analysis of deficiencies and an estimated cost of materials and man-
hours required to effect repairs to a vessel. A document from which repair specifications can be established.
MARINE CHEMIST - A person qualified to determine whether construction, alteration or repairs to vessels which
may involve gas hazards can be undertaken with safety.
MARGIN PLATE - Any one of the outer row of plates of the inner bottom connecting with the shell plating at the
MARGIN BRACKET - A bracket connecting the frame to the margin plates. Sometimes called bilge bracket or
wing bracket.
NIB - The squared off end of a tapered piece such as a scarf.
PARTING - The in and out movements of the frames and shell plating due to variation of wave pressure, most no-
ticeable in the bow and stern.
PAYING - Caulking.
PITOT TUBE - A Pitot tube is an instrument used for measuring the velocity of fluids in motion.
POLYESTER - A liquid plastic commonly used for laminating fiber- glass watercraft. It cures at room temperature
when a catalyst is added.
PROPELLER POST - Forward post of stern frame, through which propeller shaft passes.
QUADRANT - The metal fitting on the rudder head of a vessel to which the steering ropes are attached.
RUDDER POST - After post of stern frame to which rudder is hung. Also called stern post.
SCANTLINGS - The dimensions of the frames, girders, plating, etc., that go into a ship's structure.
SCARF - A connection made between two pieces by tapering their ends so that they will mortise together in a joint
of the same breadth and depth as the pieces connected. It is used on bar keels, stem and stern frames and other parts.
SEA CHEST - A casting fitted to shell of a vessel for the purpose of supplying water from the sea to the condenser
and pumps.
SHEER STRAKE - Top full course of shell plates at strength deck level.
STERN POST - After part of stern frame to which rudder is attached; also called rudder post.
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