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TB 55-1900-231-15
A. Preservation procedures for HLSP and SSB watercraft facilitate periodic maintenance and quick reaction for use
in contingency operations. Depreservation provides for routine activation during a recurring maintenance cycle
as well as quick reaction depreservation and activation in a contingency operation. The watercraft have been
preserved to enable total activation within two (2) days.
B. It is pertinent to review the level of preservation applied to better understand the requirements for
depreservation. A copy of DA Form 3256, "Preservation and Depreservation Guide for Marine Equipment", is
located in the wheel house. The DA 3256, reflects the preservation applied and depreservation required. The
depreservation instructions shall be used with the instructions stated herein for activating watercraft.
(1) The machinery and habitable areas are under dehumidification.
(2) Sealing, ducting, removals, and blanking was kept to the absolute minimum.
(3) Machinery, electrical equipment and piping systems are in a ready for service status.
(4) The fuel oil day tanks are 95 percent full on all watercraft except the LCM-8, which have but their two
(2) fuel tanks filled to 90 percent. The main fuel tanks on all other watercraft are empty.
(5) The starting batteries on all watercraft are in a dry charged state.
(6) Lubricating oil storage tanks on all watercraft are full, except the LCM-8's which have none. There
are three (3) five (5) gallon cans of spare lubricating oil stored in each LCM-8 lazarette.
(7) All sea valves are wired closed.
C. Activation.
(1) In the case of depreservation/activation in a contingency operation the sealing, ducting, flex hoses,
humidistats, sensing elements, plywood blanks, etc., would be removed and disposed of in a manner
most expedient for the situation or as directed by the senior officer present.
(2) In the case of activation for inspection and maintenance, removals will be commensurated with the
scope of the test/activation. Removed items shall be retained on board each watercraft for reuse
during represervation.
(3) In either case the Herculite equipment covers shall be retained for reuse during represervation and
routinely used on a fully operational watercraft.
D. The BII contains tool sets and special tools applicable to each watercraft. These tools are of sufficient quantity
and types required to activate and test each HLPS and SSB watercraft.
E. The Maintenance Facility will provide preservation materials required to reprocess the watercraft for storage on
completion of activation and tests. The materials required are listed in Chapter VI, "Represervation".


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