TB 55-1925-202-12
Electronic Equipment
Radio, AN/SRC-80(v)-1
5840-01 -017-2798
Radar, AN/SPS-59(v)
Gyrocompass, AN/SSN-MK-27
TOE 55-530H Transportation Watercraft Teams with change number
14,dated march 76, provides for one team FG TOE 55530G8FG to man
a 70 ft. Harbor Tug, design 3004. The crew comprised of 2-WO and 9-
EM including master, chief engineers, cooks and seamen is capable of
providing 24 hour sustained operations.
The physical location and mission of the tug would dictate the required
number of sleeping berths to be maintained on board. If the tug is
located and utillized (8hrs per day) performing tug and towing terminal
operation approximately 6 berths would be employed in support of
contingency operation. On a sustained basis, then berths for all of the
crew would be a necessity.