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![]() TB 600-1
portable (MUST) hospital elements - All makes and
1. Purpose. This bulletin outlines a system for selecting,
(13) Trucks, Firefighting - All makes and
equipment/systems, excluding selected watercraft and
aircraft, managed/supported by the US Army Troop
b Miscellaneous Equipment Any equipment
Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command
determined by the local Commander or higher authority to
warrant licensing, such as food preparation equipment,
field ranges, immersion heaters, laundry equipment,
2. Scope. This bulletin prescribes the steps necessary in
detecting sets, mine portable, AN/PRS-7 and AN/PSS-11,
selecting and training operator instructors and examiners
and in selecting training, examining and supervising
equipment/systems, excluding selected watercraft and
The procedures in this bulletin do not include
selected watercraft (floating cranes, barges, lugs,
freight and supply vessels, floating shops,
3. Applicability. a. Every person operating any of the
passenger and cargo, utility and picket boats).
following equipment must possess a valid Standard Form
46 (US Government Motor Vehicles Operator's
4. Objectives of Operator Training. a. The proper
Identification Card)
selection, training, qualification and supervision of
(1) Electrical Power Generating Equipment 0
operators is essential for efficient maintenance and
5 KW and above (Electric Motor Driven-EMD, Diesel
operation and insuring materiel readiness.
Engine Driven-DED, Gasoline Engine Driven-GED, and
A carefully planned/implemented operator
Gas Turbine Driven-GTD Sets).
training program is essential to assure selected personnel
(2) Gas Generating Equipment - All sizes and
are knowledgeable in every phase of operation
capacities (oxygen, nitrogen, acetylene, etc ).
concerning the specific equipment/system
(3) Water Purification Sets - All sizes and
c. Only those of proven qualifications will be
(4) Compressors, Air All pressures, 150CFM
authorized to operate TSARCOM managed/supported
and below (not to include installed automatically
controlled units).
d. Faulty operation and lack of, or improper
(5) Railroad Equipment All sizes and
operator maintenance are recognized as sources of major
capacities (locomotives, locomotive cranes, and motor
equipment/system failures Commanders, by eliminating
these sources through an active/efficient program of
(6) Bridging Equipment All Bridge Erection
training and supervision, will materially reduce the
Boats, Mobile Assault Float Bridge/Ferry, Transporters
logistical (maintenance and repair parts) problems, and
and Outboard Motors.
will insure compliance with the provisions of AR 750-1,
(7) Amphibious Equipment - All sizes and
regarding command responsibility.
capacities (LARC 5, 15, and 60).
(8) Heating and Cooling Equipment All sizes
5. Operator Training Program a. AR 750-1 states that
and capacities (Air Conditioning and refrigeration units
prevention of equipment abuse is the commanding
powered by liquid fuel engines, space and duct-type
officer's responsibility The best way for him to prevent
heaters using liquid fuel).
equipment abuse is by proper selection, training,
(9) Pumping Equipment - All pumps 50 GPM
examining, and supervision of operators To establish and
and above when powered by liquid fuel engines.
maintain operator efficiency, certain definite and
(10) Printing Presses and Paper Cutters All
progressive steps, covered in this manual, will be
makes and models, excluding manually operated paper
(11) Mine Detecting Equipment, Truck
b. Standard Form 46 (United States Government
Mounted - All makes and models.
Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card) is issued
(12) Utility Element (Power Plant) utilized
only to persons who have passed examinations
with the Medical Unit, Self-Contained, Trans-
conducted by qualified examiners in ac-
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