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![]() TB 600-1
(2) Approximately how many miles did you drive a
12. General. a. The objective of a selection program for
passenger car during the past 12 months?
potential operators is to choose the best individuals from
(3) Have you operated any special equipment such
the available resources. Not all personnel that meet the
as road construction equipment? For how long?
Army's physical standards are necessarily physically,
(4) Have you ever driven a truck/tractor- trailer
temperamentally and mentally capable of becoming
efficient operators. Unless those who do not qualify as
(5) How much experience have you had driving a
good potential operators are eliminated before training
truck of 2 1/2 ton capacity or greater?
starts, they will cause loss of time, damage equipment,
(6) How much experience have you had driving a
and endanger the safety of instructor personnel and fellow
vehicle with front wheel drive?
(7) How much experience have you had operating
(a) Generator Sets. 5KW and larger?
b. Individuals selected as potential operators will
(b) Air Compressors, 5CFM and larger?
be moderate in habits, alert, dependable, with good
(c) Pumps, centrifugal, 5 GPM and larger?
judgement and coordination.
(d) Turbine engine powered equipment?
(e) Air Conditioning equipments
13. Screening Prospective Operators. The first step in
(f) Refrigeration equipment?
the selection program must be comprehensive screening
(g) Bridge erection boats?
of eligible personnel's records DA Form 2-2 (Personnel
(h) Distance measuring equipment?
Qualification Record) or DA Form 348 (Equipment
(i) Printing presses9
Operator's Qualification Record, except Aircraft) will show
(j) Camera equipment9
the standard score obtained on the Driver Selection
(k) Bridge transporter/launcher? If yes,
Battery I Tests. This score should be the basis upon
which selection of operator candidates is made However,
(l) Have you any objections to becoming an
to eliminate any chance of error, the results of these tests
equipment operator? (If so, explain)
should be verified by personal interview and observation.
(8) Have you operated any amphibian equipment?
If so, for how long? Identify equipment
Interviewing Prospective Operators.
(9) How much mechanical experience have you had
on gasoline and diesel engine powered equipment?
consideration may be obtained through a carefully
(10) How much operator and/or maintenance
conducted interview. The person being interviewed must
training have you received?
understand that the purpose of the interview is to help
(11) Identify equipment on which operator and/or
place him in the work for which he is best qualified. The
maintenance training has been received
importance of truthful answers must be emphasized.
(12) Have you had trouble hearing clearly?
During the interview any evidence of extreme
(13) Do you know of any physical defects that might
nervousness, poor hearing, or other abnormal
affect you as an equipment operator, on land?
characteristics will be noted.
(14) Do you know of any physical defects that might
affect you as an equipment operator, on water?
a. The interview may be opened with introductory
b. If possible, at least 25 percent more personnel
remarks such as "you're going to be asked a number of
than needed should be interviewed to allow for
questions about yourself and your operator and driver
eliminations, due to failure to pass the written or physical
experience. Answer every question as accurately as you
requirements or inability to grasp the fundamentals of
can. Your answers will be used to help place you in work
operating equipment
for which you are best qualified". Information obtained
c. When the number of personnel qualified to re-
during the interview is recorded on DA Form 343. The
following questions, (as applicable) are suggested for use
in the interview.
(1) How much experience have you had in driving a
passenger car?
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