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![]() TB 600-1
equipment usage, and is used to record data relative to the
The Army Maintenance System: The student
operation and status of equipment. This form is the official
operator will be taught the categories/levels of maintenance
authorization for dispatch of your equipment.
as prescribed in AR 750-1, and how the system operates
when carrying out maintenance functions. Instruction will
Identical records are not maintained on all equipment.
cover procedures from the most simple preventative
Therefore, the instructor must insure that emphasis is placed
maintenance performed by the operator/crew to the complex
on those records prescribed in Appendix E, DA PAM 738-750,
overhaul/repair techniques employed at depot level The
and local command directives for the specific equipment on
importance of the operator's/crew's position in organizational
which instruction/training is conducted.
maintenance must be emphasized, and the student must be
shown where and how the operator fits into the maintenance
Publications: The operator's manuals pertaining
system/program. Students must also be told why a thorough
to the equipment is usually carried on the equipment, and
knowledge of their job, and proper performance of the
contains detailed procedures for operation, operators
individuals duties are essential for an efficient organization.
maintenance and a description of the equipment and its
components. Instruction to the student operator will include a
Publications, Forms, Reports, and Equipment
detailed introduction to publications pertinent to operation,
Records: The equipment operator is only directly concerned
operator maintenance, and repair parts.
with those publications, forms reports, and equipment records
used in daily operation and maintenance of equipment. Local
Use publications throughout the training course to
standard operating procedures (SOPs) and directives may
insure the student operator will become thoroughly familiar
specify other records, forms, reports, etc, but at a minimum,
with pertinent publications.
the following equipment records will be identified, and taught
by the instructor:
Lubrications Orders.
There are lubrications
orders published for every generator in the Army's inventory
DA Form 2404 Equipment Inspection and
(ANNEX G). On gasoline engine driven (GED) generators,
Maintenance Worksheet:
This form is used to record
the lubrication order pertains only to the engine, on diesel
equipment faults found during the operator's inspection. It will
engine driven generators (DED) it covers the entire generator
be used by all operators performing equipment inspections
set. (CHAPTER 13) Lubrication orders Identify the type
and checks.
DD Form 1970 Motor Vehicle Utilization
Record. This form supplies a record for the control of
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