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TM 55-1905-219-14-2
2-155. RADAR MAST.
To lower the radar mast, proceed as follows:
Rotate antenna fore and aft.
Make sure all power to the radar system is off.
Rig the block and tackle to main mast.
Screw stowage deck socket (1) into deck, using Tee wrench (2).
Remove nut (3) washers (4), and bolt (5).
Remove thumbscrews (6) from mast support (7).
Lower mast.
Remove toggle pin (8) from mast stowage brace (9).
Lower mast stowage brace (9).
Insert mast stowage brace (9) in stowage deck socket (1), in stall toggle pin (8).
(10) Remove block and tackle.
(11) Replace thumbscrews (6).
(12) Replace bolt (5), washer (4), and nut (3).
To raise the radar mast, proceed as follows:
Remove nut (3), washer (4), and bolt (5).
Remove thumbscrews (6).
Install block and tackle.
Remove toggle pin (8) from stowage deck socket (1).
Raise mast to verticle position.
Install thumbscrews (69 into mast support (7).
Install bolt (5), washer (4), and nut (3).
Install toggle pin (8) into mast stowage brace (9).
Remove stowage deck socket (1), using a Tee wrench (2).
(10) Remove block and tackle.