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TM 55-1905-220-14-11
15. Testing for leaks.
(a) Refrigerant released in purging and/or charging should be blown away from the refrigerator, before checking
for leaks.
(b) Pressure inside the system should be at least 75 lbs on the low side or 150 lbs on the high side.
(c) Using the Halide Torch leak detector, pass the end of the pick up tube very slowly around all sides of the
joint, or connection being tested. If the blue flame turns green, this indicates a refrigerant leak.
16. Charging refrigeration system.
Make sure that all lines and fittings, as well as the refrigerant, are dry and clean.
(a) Back seat liquid and suction line service valves.
(b) Attach low and high side pressure gauges.
(c) Pull a vacuum on the system, with a vacuum pump, to at least 25" of vacuum, on the low side gauge.
(d) Disconnect the vacuum pump and attach refrigerant drum. Open low side gauge to allow refrigerant to
enter system.
(e) Correct charge of refrigerant is noted on serial tag attached to refrigerator.
(f) Pack seat service valves, remove gauges, replace service valve and port caps.
(g) Check all connections for leaks with Haliade torch leak detector.
17. Pressure gauge readings.
Normal operating pressure range at (75 ) ambient (room) temperature (Refrigerant - (R-12)).