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TM 55-1905-220-14-2
a.  The Washing Action. Because of the design of the washer, the washing action is unique. The currents of
water are created by the movement of the tub-and agitator, and the action ribs on the side of the tub. The currents of
water move through the clothes to wash out the dirt and soil. The action provides thorough washing but is gentle and
safe for all clothes. See Table 18a for types of loads and wash settings.
b.  Using the Laundry Center Washer. Since the Laundry Center is new and there have ben many changes in
laundry aids and fabrics, let's review a few facts and tips that will help you to better understand use of the Laundry
(1)  What size load can be washed? The following are typical loads that can be washed and dried in the
Laundry Center. This should be used only as a guide.
LOAD A. Four permanent press sheets, two pillow cases, two bath towels, two hand towels and
two wash cloths.
LOAD B. Three twin cotton sheets, three pillow cases, two bath towels, two han towels, and four
wash cloths.
LOAD C. Five bath towels, three T-shirts, three knit undershorts, four or five wash cloths.
LOAD D. Six men's shirts, four pairs slacks, one woman's skirt,
two coveralls.
There are a few items which should not be washed in this washer because of the size of the tub.
Large bulky blankets
(3)  How should the washer be loaded? The clothes should be loaded loosely in the tub and only to the top
of the agitator. Do not wind clothes around the agitator.
How should the laundry aids be added?
(a) Detergent should be put in the bottom of the tub before the clothes are loaded or poured down the
side of the agitator so it will go to the bottom of the tub. If the detergent is in the bottom of the tub, it will dissolve as the
washer is filling with water and start to soak and loosen the soil in the clothes. If the detergent is poured on top of the
clothes, it may not dissolve easily and quickly at the beginning of the wash cycle. This could result in part of the
detergent being caught in folds of clothes.
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