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TM 55-1905-220-14-5
3-91.2. ENGINE TIMING (Cont).
(6) Select a dial indicator with .001" graduations and with a spindle movement of at least 1". Use suitable
mounting attachments for the indicator so that it can be mounted over the injector hole in the cylinder
head. Provide an extension for the spindle of the indicator. The extension must be long enough to
contact the piston as it approaches its upper position.
(7) Mount the indicator over the injector hole and tighten the mountings sufficiently to hold the indicator
The mounting leg may be threaded into the rocker cover stud, or the stud may be removed from the
cylinder head and the leg threaded into the tapped hole, depending upon the length of the rod used in
making up the mounting attachments. Make sure that the spindle extension is free in the injector hole,
does not bind, and is free to travel its full 1" movement.
(8) Provide a suitable pointer and attach it to the engine front end plate. The pointer should extend over
the vibration damper, or crankshaft pulley.
(9) Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of rotation slowly until the hand on the dial indicator just stops
Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until
the indicator hand just starts to move. Reset the
dial to "0". Continue turning the crankshaft slowly
until the indicator reading is .010" -- then stop
(11) Scribe a line on the damper in line with the end of the pointer.


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