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TM 55-1905-220-14-7
The steering system consists of a Cub Hydraulic Pump Unit and the following associated components;
a Rudder Angle Indicator, a Flanking Rudder Limit Switch and a Steering Control Panel.
Cub Hydraulic Pump Unit.
The Cub Hydraulic Pump Unit is a power source for hydraulic steering systems. This pump unit is
used in conjunction with control and follow-up equipment to make up a complete steering system.
Variations of the basic pump unit are available to suit power requirements and needs of each
particular installation.
The following description of the pump unit is taken in the order of flow of hydraulic fluid. Refer to
the block diagram of the system.
This pump unit is mounted on a 10-gallon (37.85 liter) tank. A 100-mesh strainer located in the
sump filters the fluid.
An electric motor drives the pump unit.
Vane Pump.
This pump is a rotary, single-stage sliding vane unit consisting of a housing and rotor assembly.
The rotor has a series of slots into which are fitted movable vanes. As the rotor turns, the vanes
are thrown outward by centrifugal force to bear against the surface of an oval shaped ring (cam). As the vanes
move across the inlet chamber, the radius of the oval ring increases to create an increasing space between the
rotor and the ring. Atmospheric pressure acting upon the inlet fluid forces it into this space. Fluid is trapped
between vanes as they move past the in-let chamber. At this point, the radius of the contour decreases and the
fluid is forced into the outlet chamber.
Pump Relief Valve.
The pump relief valve is set to operate at a pressure which acts to divert oil back to the tank whenever
the pressure rises above the established point. The valve is set at installation and need not be readjusted.


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