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TM 55-1905-220-14-8
4-5. GENERAL (Continued).
Table 4-2. Portable Fire Pump (P-250) Carburetion Troubleshooting (Continued).
4. Motor floods.
Step 1. Choke improperly adjusted.
Adjust choke.
Step 2. Dirt between float needle and seat.
Clean carburetor.
Step 3. Float level set too high.
Adjust float level.
Step 4. Float valve stem "GUMMED" so valve does not close.
Clean with solvent (P-D-680, general cleaner) or replace assembly.
Step 5. Damaged needle valve or seat.
Replace valve, carburetor body or float bowl whichever is necessary.
5. Motor starves.
Step 1. Water or dirt clogging passages, jets, or screens.
Clean carburetor and filter.
Step 2. Float valve corroded - gummed so that valve does not open properly.
Clean or replace valve.
Step 3. Float level set low.
Adjust float level.
Step 4. Float hinge and pin dirty, corroded, or worn.
Clean float hinge and replace hinge pin.


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