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TM 55-1905-220-14-8
4-5. GENERAL (Continued).
Table 4-6. Air Conditioner Abnormal Operating Pressures/Temperatures - Troubleshooting.
Refer to paragraph 4-29 for air conditioning system maintenance instructions.
1. High head pressure.
Step 1. Air or noncondensable gas in system.
Purge through condenser purge valve.
Step 2. Condenser water inlet temperature too high.
Increase water flow by adjusting water regulating valve.
Step 3. Insufficient water flow through condenser:
a. Obstruction in water supply line, dirty strainer or partially closed stop valve.
b. Low water main supply pressure.
c. Water regulating valve set to open at too high head pressure.
Increase water flow through condenser:
a. Remove obstruction, clean strainer or open stop valve.
b. Restore pressure.
c. Adjust water regulating valve to maintain a discharge pressure of 90 to
125 psig (620.6 to 861.9 kPa).
Step 4. Condenser tubes clogged or water baffles corroded.
Clean tubes. Replace tubes or water heads, if necessary.


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