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TM 55-1905-220-14-8
(2) Operation of Capacity Control.
(a) Since oil pressure is required to load or put cylinders into operation, the compressor will start
with all controlled cylinders unloaded. But, as soon as the compressor comes up to speed and full oil pressure
is developed, all cylinders become operative.
(b) After the temperature pulldown period, the refrigeration load imposed on the compressor will
decrease and the capacity control system will unload cylinders accordingly.  The unloading will result in
reduced power consumption.
(c) On those applications where numerous evaporators are supplied by one compressor, the
capacity control system will delay the suction pressure from dropping to the low pressure cut-out setting and
prevent stopping the compressor before-all the solenoid valves are closed.
(d) The capacity control system for the compressor consists of a power element and its linkage
for each controlled cylinder, an externally mounted capacity control valve, and an oil line connecting the control
valve with the compressor oil pump discharge.
Capacity Control System


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