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TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-31. FUEL INJECTORS (Continued).
(b) Observe for leaks at
the injector rack
opening. If this
occurs a poor bushing
to body fit is indicated .
(c) A leak around the
spray tip or seal ring
usually is caused by
a loose injector nut,
damaged seal ring or
a hardened surface
on the injector nut or
spray tip.
(d) A leak at filter cap
indicates loose filter
cap or damaged filter
cap gasket.
A drop or two of fuel at the spray tip is only an indication of the fuel trapped in the spray tip at
the beginning of the test and is not detrimental as long as the pressure drop specified in 1c(3)
above is not less than 40 seconds.
(e) A "dribble" at the
spray tip orifices
indicates a leaky
valve assembly due to
damaged surface or
dirt. Leakage at
this tip will cause
preignition in the


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