TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-32. FRESH WATER PUMP (Continued).
e. With the surface of the water
pump seal (8) clean and free
from dirt and metallic
particles, apply a thin coat
of liquid soap on the inside
diameter of the rubber seal .
Do not scratch or mar the
surface of the carbon seal
washer. Slide the seal
assembly on the pump shaft
until the carbon seal washer
is seated firmly against the
pump body insert. Then,
install the spring (9) with
the small end toward the seal.
f. Support the bearing end of
the shaft (not the drive
coupling) on the bed of an
arbor press. Then, press
the impeller (10) onto the
shaft. The end of the shaft
must be flush with the face
of the impeller hub with the
bearing being held against
the shoulder in the water
pump body.
g. Install key (5).
h. Support the impeller end of
the pump shaft on a suitable
arbor and press the coupling
(12) onto the shaft. The
drive coupling must be flush
with the end of the shaft.
Make sure the drive coupling
is tight on the shaft.
Rotate shaft and bearing assembly by hand to be sure rear face of impeller blades do not rub
pump body.