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![]() TM 55-1905-222-14
1-8.2.2 Pilothouse. The pilothouse is a 6-foot long by 7-foot high by 6-foot wide superstructrure mounted on the main
deck, centerline, between frames 35 and 39. The pilothouse superstructure is steel to a height of 5 feet above the main
deck and topped by an aluminum removable canopy containing windows that allow the coxswain 360-degree visibility.
The canopy is designed to be removed when the LCM-8 is engaged in operations requiring low profile configuration
Entrance to the pilothouse is through 42 by 15-inch open doorways in the superstructure, port and starboard. The port
and starboard lights are mounted on welded brackets on the sides of the canopy at frame 39. The stern light is mounted
on a welded bracket attached to the static isolator cabinet behind the pilothouse. Two 24-inch life rings are stowed, port
and starboard, in brackets on the sides of the superstructure. The emergency steering tiller is stowed in brackets below
the starboard life ring. The electric horn is on a bracket, forward of the pilothouse starboard superstructure. Seven
rectangular peep holes are cut in the pilothouse superstructure to increase visibility for the coxswain. A search light is
mounted on top of the canopy. The ship's bell is mounted on a bracket, forward of the pilothouse superstructure.
1-8.2.3 Cargo Well. The cargo well extends aft from the bow ramp to frame 31. The cargo well is entirely above the
waterline. The cargo well deck slopes downward aft of frame 7 to the bulkhead at frame 31, and forward of frame 7 to
the bow. Freeing ports are provided in the wing walls at frames 16 and 29, port and starboard, to drain accumulated
water. Scuppers are provided at frame 3, port and starboard, to drain water from the forward section of the cargo well
deck. Steel tread bars welded to the cargo well deck provide traction for heavy equipment carried as cargo on the LCM-
a. Cargo lashing rings and padeyes are provided along the port and starboard wing walls for securing cargo.
Sixteen 18-inch diameter manholes are flush bolted in the wing walls, port and starboard. One 18 by 24-inch manhole is
flush bolted in the starboard wing wall, aft. These manholes provide access to the normally sealed hold areas below the
cargo well deck. Pipe guards welded to the cargo well wing walls protect the manholes and hatches from possible
damage due to shifting cargo. Steps recessed in the wing walls at frames 10 and 20, port and starboard, and in the aft
bulkhead at frame 31 provide personnel access to the cargo well from the main deck. Emergency ramp hosting padeyes
are welded to the wing walls, port and starboard, at frame 0 just below the main deck.
b. Two 30 by 36-inch individually dogged flush watertight access hatches are provided in the cargo well. One 30
by 36-inch hatch located in the starboard wing wall at frame 5 provides access to the hydraulic ramp winch. The other 30
by 36-inch hatch, located in the port wing wall at frame 23, provides access to the dry stowage locker in buoyancy hold 5.
Threaded bronze hoisting eyes with T-handle wrenches are provided adjacent to both 30 by 36-inch access hatches. The
cargo well is illuminated by two lights, port and starboard, recessed into bulkhead 31. Two 8-foot boat hooks are
provided with the LCM-8 and are stowed in brackets, port and starboard, along the cargo well wing walls between frames
7 and 15. A hand pump for manually actuating the hydraulic winch in case of hydraulic fluid pressure failure is located in
a recess in the starboard wing wall at frame 9.
1-8.2.4 Bow Ramp. The bow ramp is a welded steel structure hinged at six locations on the bow just below the
waterline at frame 3. The ramp hinges pivot on 2-inch diameter carbon steel hinge pins. The E hinge brackets are
welded to the ramp and to the hull. Thirty-two steel tread bars welded to the ramp deck provide traction for heavy
equipment carried as cargo on the LCM-8.
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