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TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
d. Fire Monitors. Two fire monitor stations are located on the pilot house top.
The monitors provide 360-degree coverage of the main deck.  Each monitor has both
horizontal and vertical control.  These monitors can be aligned to disperse seawater
or foam.  Piping for the fire monitor supply is routed out of the machinery space
via risers to the 02 level (FIGURE 1-5) pilothouse top (port and starboard).
e. Countermeasure Washdown .  The countermeasure washdown system (FIGURE 1-6)
provides an umbrella of seawater over the superstructure to counter nuclear,
biological, and chemical (NBC) attack.  Seawater from the fire main is directed
through washdown piping serving spray heads to wash down the superstructure.  Spray
heads and piping are located around the main deck (FIGURE 1-7), 01 (FIGURE 1-8) and
02 (FIGURE 1-5) levels.  The system is activated by a valve in the engine room.
Seawater for the system is routed out of the machinery space via a riser to the 01
level and a riser from the 01 level to the 02 level.  Piping surrounding each level
contains spray heads that disperse seawater.  The system is activated from the fire
main fire monitor and countermeasure washdown gate valve, located in the machinery
1-18.  A u t o p i l o t .  The autopilot is an automatic steering control system that uses
heading information from the ship's gyrocompass to control the ship's steering gear.
The autopilot energizes directional control valve solenoids, part of the ship's
steering gear, in order to maintain selected heading. The autopilot heading
selector combines the functions of a heading selector with a gyrocompass repeater.
The heading selector contains controls that permit the selection of operating mode
and desired heading.  The autopilot control amplifier processes signals from the
autopilot heading selector and the rudder repeatback unit to develop steering
signals that are sent to the steering gear solenoids.  This provides rudder control.
The autopilot rudder repeatback unit sends signals from the steering gear, providing
rudder position information, back to the autopilot control amplifier.
1-19.  Navigation Lighting System.  The navigation lighting system provides the
appropriate exterior lights for safe navigation.  The system is controlled from the
navigation lighting panel located in the aft area of the pilothouse.
1-20.  Sound Powered Telephone System.  The sound powered telephone system provides
voice communications throughout the ship.  The system contains fixed phone stations
and portable units.  Since the system is powered by voice only, it is functional
even with the loss of all ship's power.  There are three circuits, JA, JV1, and JV2
within the sound powered telephone system.
1-21.  Electrical System.  The electrical system distributes 240 Vac, 120 Vac, and
emergency power throughout the ship, 240 Vac, 3-phase, 60 Hz power is received from
the power generation system ship's service diesel generator sets and routed via the
main ship's service switchboard and the emergency switchboard via the emergency
switchboard bus tie, to selected equipment and panels.  240 Vac power is also
provided by the main switchboard to a stepdown transformer providing power to the
120 Vac distribution panel.  This panel distributes 120 Vac power to a quarters
heating panel, galley power panel, and lighting panels. Essential equipment and
systems tied into the emergency switchboard normally receive power from the
emergency switchboard via the bus tie.  When 240 Vac power is lost, these equipments
and systems receive 240 Vac power from the emergency diesel generator set through
the emergency switchboard.  The emergency switchboard also provides 120 Vac power
through stepdown transformers to a 120 Vac distribution panel.  This panel provides


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