TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
Item 112
No air pressure at inlet regulator
when control lever in Ahead
Throttle (Initial). Lever at
least 20' in the Ahead Position
from Center.
No air pressure at out regulator when
Item 113
control lever in Ahead Throttle
( I n i t i a l ) . Lever at least 20' in
the Ahead Position from Center.
No air pressure at inlet (supply port
Item 114
#2) when control lever in Ahead
T h r o t t l e . Lever at least 20" in
in the Ahead Position from Center.
No air pressure at ahead (port #1) when
Item 111
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
Item 116
Air pressure at astern (port #3) when
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20" in the Ahead
Position from Center.
Item 117
No air pressure at inlet regulator when
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20" in the Ahead
Position from Center.
Item 118
No air pressure at out regulator when
control lever in Ahead Throttle lever
at least 20' in the Ahead Position
from Center.
Item 119
Air pressure at ahead (port #1) when
control lever in Neutral-Astern
Item 120
Air pressure at astern (port #3)
when control lever in Neutral-
Astern Delay.
Item 121
No air pressure at inlet regulator
when control lever in Neutral-
Astern Delay.
Item 122
No air pressure at out regulator when
control lever in Neutral-Astern
Item 123
No air pressure at inlet (supply port
#2) when control lever in Astern
Throttle (Initial). Lever at
least 20' in the Astern Position
from Center.