TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
No air pressure at inlet (supply port
Item 80
#2) with control lever in ahead
throttle (Initial). Lever at least
20' in the ahead position from center
No air pressure at ahead (port #1) with Item 81
control lever in Ahead Throttle
( I n i t i a l ) . Lever at least 20" in the
Ahead Position from Center.
Air pressure at astern (port #3) with
Item 82
c o n t r o l lever Ahead Throttle (Initial).
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
No air pressure at inlet regulator with Item 83
control lever in Ahead Throttle
No air pressure at out regulator with
Item 84
control lever in Ahead Throttle
( I n i t i a l ) . Lever at least 20' in the
Ahead Position from Center.
No pressure at inlet (supply port #2)
Item 85
with control lever in Ahead Throttle
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
No air pressure at ahead (port #1) with Item 86
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
Item 87
Air pressure at astern (port #3) with
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
No air pressure at inlet regulator with Item 88
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
No air pressure at out regulator with
Item 89
control lever in Ahead Throttle.
Lever at least 20' in the Ahead
Position from Center.
Air pressure at astern (port #1) with
Item 90
control lever in Neutral-Astern