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TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
Table 2-2.
Troubleshooting - CONT
Test or Inspection
Corrective Action
8. Oil pump operates continually, water pump remains off.
STEP 1. Check for suction taken from oil face in holding tank.
Shut off system, skim excessive oil from holding tank directly to oil
storage tank.
9. Pressure differential builds rapidly in second pre-filter stage.
STEP 1. Check for chemical contamination.
Remove source of contamination and dilute with clean water.
STEP 2. Check for bacterial contamination.
Avoid stale water, clean bilge tank if necessary.
Treat bilge water with
B i o C i d e (bacteria killer).
10. Oil level too low in second stage separate (below point where probe is
i n s t a l l e d ) . Oil discharge valve closes before sufficient oil is discharged or
remains closed.
STEP 1. Check for blockage in oil discharge line.
Remove blockage.
STEP 2. Check for loose connections, broken wires, etc. in electrical circuit.
R e p a i r electrical wiring.
Check for contamination of oil by chemical or bacteria rendering oil
probe unable to register oil buildup.
Clean probes teflon sensor. Remove contaminants and contaminated oil.
Treat bilge water with BioCide (bacteria killer).
11. Motor will not start.
STEP 1. Check for pump selector switch off.
Turn on pump selector switch.
STEP 2. Check for loose wiring or bad connections.
Repair wiring or tighten connection.