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TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
3 Remove push switch and electrical contact (37) from rear of door.
(b) Push switch (39).
Refer to steps (a) 1 through 3 to remove push switch (39) and electrical
contact (40).
(c) Push switch (41).
Refer to steps (a) 1 through 3 to remove push switch (41) and electrical
contact (42).
(5) Indicator lights.
I n d i c a t o r light (43).
1 Unscrew light lens (44) from indicator light at front of door.
Remove incandescent lamp (45).
Tag and disconnect electrical leads from indicator light (43) at rear of
4 Unscrew locknut (38) from indicator light (43) at front of door.
Remove indicator light (43) from door.
I n d i c a t o r light (46).
1 Unscrew light lens (47) from indicator light at front of door.
Remove incandescent lamp (48).
Tag and disconnect electrical leads from indicator light (46) at rear of
Unscrew locknut (38) from indicator light (46) at front of door.
5 Remove indicator light (47) from door.
R e p a i r at motor controller consists of replacing: motor starter (20), electrical
c o n t a c t kit (25), armature lever relay (32), electrical coil (31), electrical
contact assembly (26), auxiliary contact (24), transformer (4), fuse cartridge
( 1 0 , 1 1 ) , circuit breaker (1), incandescent lamp (45, 48), electrical contact
(37, 40, 42), thermal relay heater (21).
Position motor controller door (35) on a clean flat surface.