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TM 55-1905-223-24-2
2-22. Administrative Storage. Administrative storage of equipment issued to and used by Army activities will have
preventive maintenance performed in accordance with the Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) charts
before storing. When removing the equipment from administrative storage, the PMCS should be performed to assure
operational readiness. Prepare reduction gear components for shipment or short-term storage in accordance with the
following instructions.
a. It is always better to store equipment and hardware indoors. When this is not possible, or when storage is for a
period longer than 1 year, follow these instructions.
b. Equipment should never be exposed to the elements. If an item is stored outdoors, cove it with a tarpaulin that
can be secured.
Apply a coating of rust inhibitor to all exposed fittings, shaft couplings, and pumps. Use Cosmoline 11-2 MIL-C-
16173 Grade 2 or equivalent.
d. Check all exposed areas of equipment for integrity of the protective coating every 3 months. Reapply coating if
required, to prevent possible corrosion.
e. Before equipment is placed in operation, remove preservative coating from all exposed areas. Refer to Chapter 2,
2-41/(2-42 blank)


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