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TM 55-1905-223-24-2
This task covers: a. Disassembly, b. Repair, c. Assembly.
Equipment Condition
Deep well sockets, 1/2-inch drive
TM 55-1905-223-24-10, Engine secured,
12 pt, 10mm through 27mm,
tagged "Out of Service, Do Not Operate."
Refer to the following paragraphs in this
Combination wrench set, metric
maintenance manual:
10mm through 24mm,
Gearbox drained (PMCS Item 9)
External hardware removed (para. 2-14)
Strong back P/N 57864-850
Fluid transmission cooler removed (para. 2-17)
Hydraulic nut P/N 220485
Double changeover filter removed (para. 2-18).
Bearing puller P/N ST-1249
Control valve removed (para. 2-20)
Hydraulic press P/N 200913
Torsional coupling removed (para. 2-21)
Snap ring pliers, 5120-00-595-9551
External input/intermediate shafts removed (para. 3-11)
Input shaft removed (para. 4-8)
General Safety Instructions
Anti-friction bearing
P/N WAV850-E15, WAV850-17,
Be very careful using the hydraulic nut.
WAV850-R15, WAV850-R13,
Component breaks loose with explosive force.
Shaft sealing ring P/N WAV850-Ell
Check valve P/N WAV850-K10
Shop cloth, Item 6, Appendix D
Solvent, Item 4, Appendix D
Crocus cloth, Item 9, Appendix D
SAE10 oil, Item 11, Appendix C
Warning tags, Item 12, Appendix C
Overview of Input Shaft.
This repair procedure includes installing many new bearings. You will also be using a special hydraulic nut.