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TM 55-1905-223-24-3
Table 2-2. Troubleshooting-Cont
STEP 2. Check if tachometer has a malfunction.
Check against a known good tachometer (para. 2-26).
STEP 3. Check if fuel suction line is restricted.
Refer to Malfunction 17, Step 4.
STEP 4. Check for defective fuel pump.
Refer to Malfunction 17, Steps 5 and 8.
24. Low power.
STEP 1. Check if fuel suction line or fuel filter is restricted.
Refer to Malfunction 17, Step 4.
STEP 2. Check if lubricating oil level is too high.
Drain oil to proper level.
STEP 3. Check if intake or exhaust system is restricted.
Refer to Malfunction 14, Step 3 for intake, Step 4 for exhaust.
STEP 4. Check if return line is restricted or fuel tank vents are plugged.
Refer to Malfunction 22, Step 3.
STEP 5. Check for poor fuel quality.
Check, drain, clean and replace fuel.
STEP 6. Check for air or exhaust leaks between turbocharger and engine.
Refer to Malfunction 14, Step 2.
STEP 7. Check to see if fuel rate low, fuel pressure low, and turbocharger pressure low as follows:
a. Stop engine.
b. Remove plug from spring pack cover.
c. Install fuel pump idle adjusting tool, P/N 3375981, in the plug hole.
d. Operate engine for 30 seconds at high idle to remove air from fuel system.
e. Ensure that engine temperature is at or above 1600F (700C).
f. Adjust idle speed between 650 and 725 rpm.
g. Remove fuel pump adjusting tool and -install plug.
h. Operate engine until rpm is constant and all air is out of f el system.
i. Recheck idle speed.
Fuel rate high, fuel pressure high, and turbocharger pressure high.
a. Lower fuel rate.
b. Refer to Malfunction 24, Step 10.