TM 55-1905-223-24-5
(8) Prime until a 30 psi (207 kPa) pressure is obtained. Crank engine at least 15 seconds (with
fuel shutoff valve closed or disconnected to prevent starting), while maintaining external oil
pressure at a minimum of 15 psi (103 kPa). Remove priming hose and replace plug
removed in step (6).
b. Oil Dipstick Gauge. All marine engines are shipped with unmarked lubricating oil dipstick gauges.
The reason for this is the engine mounting angle is determined at installation; and even though a
given amount of oil is required, the dipstick must be marked so the oil level is correct at the engine
mounting angle. Should it be necessary to mark a new dipstick, use the following procedure.
(1) Remove the oil pan drain plug or use suction pump to be sure all oil is drained. Replace plug
or close sump pump valve.
Any oil left in oil pan will cause error in marking; the oil sometimes
accumulates as the oil drains from upper portions and oil passages within the
(2) A tag is attached to new engines indicating high and low capacities of the oil pan. The
capacity of the NTA 855 GC engine is 7 gallons (low) to 9 gallons (high).
(3) Fill engine with amount of oil listed as low-level oil pan capacity.
(4) Allow 5 minutes or more for oil to drain to the oil pan. If engine and/or oil temperature is
below 40 (4 ), a longer period may be required for full drain.
(5) Insert dipstick into gauge tube until fully seated; hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then withdraw
(6) Mark oil level indicated on dipstick with an electric etch. Depth of mark must not exceed
0.010 inch (0.24 mm). Etch "L" above mark.
(7) Add enough additional oil to fill engine to listed high-level capacity.
(8) Repeat Steps 4, 5, and 6. Etch letter "H" directly above the second or high level mark.
The above procedure determines dipstick gauge marking for oil pan capacity
only. Do not confuse with complete oil capacity, which also includes drilled
passages, lines, and filters.