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TM 55-1905-223-SDC
a. Pipe patch. The components of the repair kit normally used for repairing a pipe in the piping system
are the liquid resin and liquid hardener mixture together with the prescribed fibrous glass material. This
mixture is approved for patching the following piping systems:
(1) Fresh water.
(2) Salt water.
(3) Fuel oil, lubricating oil, diesel oil.
(4) Gasoline.
(5) Refrigeration.
b. Flat patch. This patch is the metallic and nonmetallic surface repair patch. The flat patch utilizes the
same components as the pipe patch. The mixture is approved for patching the following metallic and
nonmetallic surfaces:
(1) Metal bulkheads and decks.
(2) Tanks, voids, and cofferdams.
(3) Wood surfaces.
c. Paste patch. This patch also is a metallic and nonmetallic surface repair patch. The material normally
used for patching small holes, cracks, fillets, and so forth, is the paste resin and paste hardener mixture.
The paste mixture was developed primarily for small holes and cracks under one inch in diameter. In many
respects, the paste mixture has the same general characteristics as the liquid mixture. The paste mixture is
approved for patching, but is not limited, to the following:
(1) Sea chests.
(2) Valve bodies.
(3) Pump casings.
(4) Cooling water jackets.
(5) Condenser heads.
(6) Flanges.
(7) Caulking for leaking seams and rivets.
(8) Porous castings.
(9) Threaded joints.


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