TM 55-1905-242-14
0206 00
ASSEMBLY (continued)
12. Install the pressure plate (10) over the pins (12) and up against the cam ring (11), rotor (13), and vanes (14).
13. Place the spring (9) on top of the pressure plate (10), then install the cover (7) over the spring.
14. Line up the screw holes in the cover (7) with the holes in the body (2) and secure the cover with the screws (8).
15. Insert the spring (21) into the control valve bore of the cover (7).
Install the control valve into the bore with the hex head going first into the bore. If the
control valve is reversed in the counterbore, the unit will malfunction and pressure will
rise dangerously high.
16. Apply a light coat of clean hydraulic fluid to the control valve (20) and install the control valve into its bore with the hex
head going first into the bore.
17. Install the O-ring (19) onto the plug (18) and slide the plug into the cover (7). Press the plug into the cover until the
retaining pin (17) can be inserted into the cover. Install the retaining pin to secure the cover.
18. Position the gasket (6) and manifold (5) on the cover (7) and secure the manifold with the bolts (3) and washers (4).
19. Turn the shaft (23) by hand and check that the shaft turns without binding.
20. Dispose of used cleaning solvent and contaminated materials in accordance with local regulations.
0206 00-4