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![]() TM 55-1915-200-SDC
e. Station a crewman with OBA, gloves, and head lamp, to control the nozzle for each of the two separate hoses.
f. Station a backup crew member with OBA, electrically safe rubber gloves, and head lamp to relieve the crewman
on the nozzle or perform rescues.
g. Set fire boundaries in surrounding compartments and topside by rigging extra hoses to cool decks, overheads
and bulkheads, and by removing combustible materials.
h. Rig portable pumps which can be used if fire main pressure is lost.
i. Station crew members at magazine sprinkler controls and C02 releases.
j. Combat the fire from the best position possible to protect personnel; approach a topside fire from windward, if
possible. Consideration should also be given to approaching the fire from the bottom, if possible.
k. In compartments fully involved with fire, the fire fighter should reduce the heat and flame before entering by
liberal application of water fog through doors and air ports into upper areas of the compartment. In such a fire, the
greater part of the water fog so applied will turn to steam, thereby smothering the fire as well as reducing heat. The fire
fighter should stand clear of openings since there may be a violent outward rush of hot gases and air due to their being
displaced by steam.
l. In determining the number of hose lines to be used, the fire fighter should be guided by the extent and intensity
of the fire. The ship's pumping capacity is not unlimited, and every gallon of water released in the ship reduces its
stability and freeboard until pumped out. The all-purpose nozzle permits the fire fighter to use water fog for nearly all fire
fighting situations where water is indicated and still have a solid stream available when needed. A solid stream from a 2-
1/2 inch hose equipped with the all-purpose nozzle and with 100 psi at the fireplug will discharge 250 gallons per minute
(gal./min.), while high-velocity fog under the same conditions will discharge only approximately 117 gal./min. Ultimately,
every gallon of water put on a fire must be removed to preserve ship stability.
m. It may also be impossible to approach a fire in a space in a normal manner due to heat intensity, blocked hatch,
etc. In such a case, it may become necessary to cut an access hole large enough to insert an equipment nozzle in order
to apply an extinguishing agent.
n. Send out investigators to check surrounding areas; inspection and reporting must continue until the fire is out and
danger is over.
o. Keep phone talker as close to the scene as possible.
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