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FOLLOW-UP-ALARM indicator ............
This indicator will illuminate if there is any failure in the follow-up system or in the power
to the servo amplifier.
POWER indicator ................................ .
This indicator will illuminate when external power is turned on and the internal power
supply is supplying power to the compass and control circuits
DIMMER control ................................ ...
This rheostat controls the brightness of the compass card illumination
TILT/AZIMUTH switch ...........................
This switch provides two functions. When slewing the compass, it controls the direction
of rotation of the compass element. It also provides a signal to level or to increase the
tilt of the gyro spin axis.
LATITUDE corrector control ..................
This corrector provides a latitude correction signal
MODE SELECTOR switch ....................
This switch selects the various circuits used to control operation of the compass.
In SLEW position, all compass circuits are energized except the gyro wheel and repeater
excitation. The compass is slewed to ship's heading prior to starting the gyro using the
In START position. all circuits are energized and the gyro wheel is brought up to speed.
Repeater circuits will remain deenergized until an internal relay switches after the gyro
comes up to speed. In RUN position. the TILT/AZIMUTH switch is disconnected so the
gyro cannot be accidentally tilted during normal operation
In MANUAL position. tilting or leveling of the gyro is done using the TlLT/AZIMUTH
In AUTO LEVEL position. the gyro will automatically be brought to an almost level
position and held there. This mode is only used if the gyro has dumped or when the
level meter indicates full scale.
RPTR. 1 AMP, fuze..............................
Protects the Internal power supply when used with external repeaters.
A-C 1 AMP fuze................................ ....
Protects the basic 120-v-olt a-c internally generated power
D-C 8 AMP fuze................................ ....
Protects the internal power supply of the Electronic Control Assembly
6. Move MODE SELECTOR switch to
b. Operation.
(1) Starting the compass.
MANUAL LEVEL immediately after uncaging the gyro.
7. Operate the TILT/AZIMUTH switch
to bring the gyro to a level position as indicated by the
When practical, starting procedures
LEVEL meter. Push the switch in the direction of
should begin at least two hours
desired pointer movement and hold it until the meter
before the gyro-compass is required
pointer has reached its center position. If it overshoots,
for service.
reverse direction as needed until the pointer has been
(a) Normal sea starting. For use where roll
and pitch are less than 10 degrees, and the compass
has been stopped for at least 1 hour. Proceed as
9. Set N-S switch for north or south
latitude .
1. Insure that the RPTR switch and the
10. Set LATITUDE corrector control to
MODE SELECTOR switch are in the OFF position.
the ship's latitude.
2. Place MODE SELECTOR switch to
When step repeaters are used they
should be synchronized to the
Compass will slew rapidly if gyro is uncaged.
compass card reading prior to
3. CAGED lamp should be lighted. If
turning RPTR switch ON.
lamp is off, push the cager button on top of the binnacle
11. To operate repeater, move RPTR
to cage the gyro and wait 5 minutes to allow ballistic
switch to ON.
fluid to stabilize.
Adjust DIMMER control for
4. Use the TILT/AZIMUTH switch to
satisfactory brightness.
slew the compass as close as possible to the ship's
(b) Routine Operation. Because operation
heading. Pushing the switch in the (+) direction will
of the compass is almost completely automatic, the only
make the compass card rotate counterclockwise;
routine operating procedures that need to be performed
pushing in the (-) direction will make the card rotate
are the checks for each watch that follows:
clockwise. Wait 5 to 10 seconds between reversals of
Check setting of LATITUDE
the switch to allow the follow-up servo amplifier to
corrector control and reset to local latitude, if required.
2. Check setting of N-S switch and
5. Turn MODE SELECTOR switch to
reset to proper hemisphere, if required.
START. Wait 10 minutes for gyro to come up to speed.
3. Make normal azimuth checks on
Then, firmly push the cager button on top of the
binnacle to uncage the gyro. Caged lamp must go out
compass to determine accuracy of heading indication.
or gyro has not been uncaged.