TM 55-1925-273-10-1
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Figure 13. Crew's Mess Valve Locations
In the crew's sanitary space:
(1) PW-53 (figure 14, item 1), cold potable water to the sanitary space
(2) PW-52 (figure 14, item 2), hot potable water to the sanitary space
(3) PW-51 (figure 14, item 3), cold potable water to the sanitary space
(4) PW-50 (figure 14, item 4), hot potable water to the sanitary space
In the crew's stateroom #3 and sanitary space:
(1) PW-24, C.W. TO W.C. (figure 14, item 5) (overhead)
(2) PW-48 (figure 14, item 6), hot potable water to the sanitary space
(3) PW-49 (figure 14, item 7), cold potable water to the sanitary space
In the laundry room:
(1) PW-30 (figure 14, item 8), hot potable water to the sanitary space
(2) PW-31 (figure 14, item 9), cold potable water to the sanitary space
In crew's stateroom #1 sanitary space:
(1) PW-46 (figure 14, item 10), hot potable water to the sanitary space
(2) PW-47 (figure 14, item 11), cold potable water to the sanitary space
In crew's stateroom #2: PW-23, C.W. TO W.C. (figure 14, item 12)
In officer's stateroom #2 and sanitary space:
(1) PW-61 (figure 15, item 1), cold potable water to the sanitary space
(2) PW-26, C.W. TO W.C. (figure 15, item 2)
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