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TM 55-1905-219-14-9
determine the current values at which the marks should be made at the factory. All procedures require an
empty fluid tank. While this does not normally present a problem, during installation procedures it obviously
can on an operational ship. It will be necessary to wait for an opportunity to empty a tank before calibrating its
associated meter.
(1) Dry Tank Calibration. To calibrate a meter in a dry tank, proceed as follows:
(a) Position one man at the tank for which the meter is being calibrated and a second man at
the meter.
(b) Provide the two men performing the calibration procedure with a means of
intercommunicating (sound powered telephones).
(c) Determine the gallonage increments for which indications are to be provided on the
(d) Using the sounding, table or tank capacity curve for the tank on which the calibration is
being performed, interpolate the height in feet and inches at which the gallonage increments determined in step
(c) are found. Refer to tank sounding tables.
(e) Place the ON-OFF-FULL REF switch (receiver modules) or the ON-OFF switch (receiver
panels), whichever is applicable, in the ON position.
(f) Suspend a sounding tape vertically alongside the transmitter in the tank.
(g) Align the sounding tape so that the dimension determined from the sounding table or
tank cap capacity curve for the gallonage for a full tank (100 percent of capacity) is at the top of the tank.
(h) As determined by whether a transmitter is at the bottom of the tank, read the dimension
of the sounding tape, at the center of the float on the transmitter, or
(i) Using the sounding table or tank capacity curve, interpolate the gallonage equivalent to
the dimension read in step (h).
(j) Mark the gallonage interpolated in step (i) as the lowest level indicated by the meter along
side of the O-mark in the zero adjustment procedure (paragraph


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