TB 55-1900-201-45/1
in a direct line athwartships should be avoided. Also, if they are required to be in a longitudinal line, there should be suf-
ficient interval between each so as to avoid creating areas of high stress concentration in the plating between the fittings.
(4) Replacement of plates having joggled lapped seams and/or butts should be made, whenever possible, with
flush seams and butts. A typical method is shown on this page:
Method of replacing Plates with Jogged Lapped and/or Butt Seams
Insert Plates.
a. In welded construction, repairs involving less than a full plate should generally be made by means of an insert
plate installed in accordance with the following principles:
(1) While less than complete plates may be replaced, the lines of cut and new welding should, as far as practi-
cable, lie in existing lines of welding. Inserts should ordinarily cover at least one frame space.