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![]() TB 55-1900-232-10
3-2.7.10 Emergency Systems. Adequate firefighting equipment and materials, as well as damage control equipment
and fuel, should be placed on board prior to the start of the tow
3-2.7.11 Access Within The Tow. A riding crew or boarding party from the tug may find itself in an unfamiliar setting on
a large tow. The preparing activity should establish route markings to those areas susceptible to either flooding or fire.
Painted route markings from a central location and/or from the boarding point would allow personnel to go by the most
direct route to the scene of possible emergency. Establishing route markings to aid a security patrol in making his rounds
also would eliminate missed areas, adding to the efficiency of the patrol.
3-2.8 ANCHORING THE TOW. Consideration should be given to the need for anchoring the tow in an emergency,
sufficient ground tackle or other anchor-handling equipment should be provided. If water can enter compartments or
tanks via the chain pipes, the pipes should be sealed. The simplest method of sealing chain pipes is to pack the pipe
with cloth filler and plug with cement.
The representative of the command having prepared the tow for sea shall complete a Certificate of Sea worthiness for
ocean tows. The certificate indicates general characteristics, type of cargo, towing gear, lights, speed limitation, etc. A
sample Certificate of Seaworthiness and its endorsements are shown in Appendix H
3-2.10 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF TOW. Prior to accepting a tow, the Commanding Officer of the towing
ship must make a confirming inspection of the seaworthiness and readiness of the tow . When inspecting the tow,
personal observations should include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Ensure towing vessel's preparation check-off list, shown in Appendix H, is thorough, adequate and properly
b. Thoroughly instruct the towing inspection team in their duties.
c Inspect the tow rig, appendages and attachment points to ensure that the tow is properly rigged with the appropriate
Substitution of materials can be dangerous as well as detrimental to the tow. Substitutions shall not be made
unless there is a complete knowledge of the material being substituted. Material substitutes frequently
introduce a new and unpredictable weak link. Substitution of a stronger material may change the location of the
weak link and relocate the potential failure point in the rig to a position that is hazardous to personnel.
A screw-pin shackle shall not be used as a replacement for a safety shackle in towing. A safety shackle will
deform under load and still hold, while a screw-pin shackle's pin can work itself out of the shackle.
d. Ensure towline, bridle and associated towing gear are in good condition and that improper substitutions have not been
made in fittings and materials. Typical items for which to be alert include:
(1) Substitution of mild steel for the forged steel used for safety shackle pins
(2) Substitution of stainless steel for other high strength alloys because many types of stainless steels are subject to
stress-corrosion cracking
(3) Substitution of wrong-size components
e. Ensure that the Certificate of Seaworthiness states how the tow is rigged, including equipment sizes and other
pertinent data, means of boarding the tow, and whether:
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