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![]() TB 55-1900-232-10
Terminating the tow at its destination calls for the same preparation required by all other evolutions in towing. Unless
operational schedules require, or the condition of the tow demands otherwise, it is best to adjust speed to arrive at
destination during daylight hours. Darkness can easily magnify the routine into a more difficult and dangerous situation.
Based on the nature of the tow, consideration should be given for requesting pilot assistance and/or harbor tug
3-7.1 REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE. The use or non-use of a pilot is strictly a decision of the Commanding Officer,
unless an order from senior authority supersedes. However, some pilots may be unfamiliar with towing and with the
characteristics of the tug so that the Commanding Officer should be alert to difficulty and should relieve the pilot, should
he deem it necessary Harbor tug assistance may be necessary. Sea conditions may not permit harbor tugs to make up
alongside. If assistance is required at this time and under these conditions, then the only significant assistance that can
be rendered is for the harbor tug to put a head line to the tow's stern to assist in steering the tow. Once within sheltered
waters, harbor tug assistance can be utilized as required. If an additional tug is available, it and the original tug can be
made up, each on a quarter, to provide more effective control in keeping the tow heading fair to the channel. If the tow is
large and unwieldy, additional tugs may be used to provide both steering assistance and propulsion power. In the use of
multiple tugs in this fashion, it is advisable to have a pilot on board both the tug and the tow to coordinate control of the
assisting tugs.
3-7.2 SHORTENING THE TOWLINE. Upon approaching restricted waters a shorter scope, in conjunction with slower
speed, will assist m the handling of the tow. It may be necessary to keep the tow at short stay to prevent the towline from
fouling on the bottom. Great care must be taken to maintain positive control of the heading and of the tug's steering
capability in order to avoid being overtaken by the tow or fouling the towline. A delicate balance must be maintained
between scope and speed. In this situation, an automatic towing machine is invaluable. Since there will be little or no
catenary, automatic control of the towline is the only means of surge control available. The automatic towing machine
also is used to shorten the scope both in automatic and manual mode. Often, where there is a long distance from the
sea buoy to the berth, the ocean tug may continue to tow, at short stay, to a convenient and safe location well inside the
3-7.3 DISCONNECTING THE TOW . Prior to the actual evolution of disconnecting the tow, necessary equipment should
be laid out, potentially involved machinery energized and all personnel briefed on procedures. A well-drilled, disciplined
team will perform the routine smartly and yet will be responsive to any unexpected occurrences.
Disconnecting procedures are similar to those outlined in Paragraph 3-5.6. With bare steerageway on the tug, the tow is
brought up short by the towing winch and assisted by whatever harbor tugs are in attendance. When the connection
fittings are on deck, a stopper is passed onto the pendant, the connection broken, and then with all personnel clear, the
stopper is released
Do not permit the disconnected pendant or bridle to drag on the bottom, as considerable additional resistance
will result and maneuvering will be seriously disrupted.
When a tow bridle is long enough, the pendant may be brought fully aboard the tug, and the disconnection made at the
bridle apex. This may keep the pendant from dragging the bottom. The bridle and the pendant may also be retrieved on
the tow by means of a previously rigged retrieving line at the apex of the bridle.
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