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![]() TB 55-1900-232-10
heaving line can also be used effectively for shorter passing distances
Rockets should be used only where no explosive fuels, deck cargo or other flammable objects are exposed. All
uses of line throwing guns, rockets or heaving lines should be accompanied by verbal warnings and sound
warnings to take over. Failure to do so may result in injury or death to personnel.
d. Rockets can be used for line throwing. Rocket range exceeds that of the line gun by several hundred yards. In light
air, a rocket can be aimed and fired with reasonable accuracy and line carrying ability. Cross winds will cause the rocket
to head up into the wind, tail winds will cause the rocket to fly high and head winds will cause it to fly low. Experience
with firing and accurate judgment of the wind will improve accuracy
3-8.4 FIRE.
Riding crews normally consist of a minimum crew and can be expected to perform only minimal emergency
functions on board.
Fire on board is a known hazard. Fire prevention and methods of fighting fires should be drilled with the riding crew. On
board an unmanned tow there should be little danger of fire. One exception is in the event of a failure of the shaft
locking device, which can result in an engineroom fire. When a riding crew is on board, the fire potential should be
evaluated. If equipment is operated for propulsion, auxiliary power, pumps or allied systems, the danger of fire on the
tow can be greater than on the tug. Prudent and adequate placement of pumps, hoses, fire extinguishers, axes, foam
and firefighting equipment on board the manned tow is necessary to support the riding crew in firefighting. If necessary,
personnel may be transferred from the tug to the tow to perform firefighting and damage control. The tug, if it can be
brought alongside, can deliver large quantities of water for use on board the tow; associated power, foam, hoses and
personnel from the tug can be of valuable assistance. A charged 21/2-inch fire hose can be streamed aft on salvage
balloons if alongside firefighting is not practical
When towing under unfavorable conditions or inclement weather and at short stay, danger exists of being
overridden. In such a situation, particular care is advised in setting an underway material condition so that
watertight doors, hatches and other openings are secured.
a. Maneuvering in restricted waters with the tow at short stay, or under other operationally complex circumstances, may
cause the tug and tow to collide. Tug and tow can collide if there is a loss of propulsion power or sudden reduction of the
tug's speed. With sufficient way on, the tow may override the tug, and in extreme circumstances sink it. The override
condition is aggravated if the tow is at short stay. When propulsion power is lost on the tug, the rudder should be put
hard over to the weather and the towline slacked. With sufficient way on, the tug may fall clear of the advance of the tow
If power loss is imminent, and the ability to make turns remains for a time, consideration should be given to going
alongside the tow or otherwise clearing the tow In favorable weather the tug can tie up alongside the tow, effect repairs,
stream the towline and continue the tow.
b. Differences in sail area, underwater hull form and displacement can cause tug and tow to experience different set and
drift from seas, currents, winds or towline drag. An unfavorable combination of events such as these may cause tug and
tow to collide. A general measure taken to avoid this situation is the reduction of speed and an
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