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Likewise, there must be pumps for fighting fires Special attention may be required to ensure that portable pumps can
obtain a suction from a reliable source of water This may be a particular challenge in the case of a high-sided auxiliary or
merchant hull, or a DD 963 Class destroyer.
FLOODING ALARMS . Unmanned tows must be equipped with two alarms (high and low) and independently-
wired flooding alarm lights in each space. The low alarm lights should be amber in color and the high alarm lights should
be red. In addition, waterline markings, visible from the tug, should be provided. The tow preparing activity is
responsible for the installation of flooding alarms. Flooding alarm lights should be checked to ensure their visibility during
daylight hours.
A schematic diagram of a typical acceptable flooding alarm is shown in Figure 5-18. No attempt has been made to
provide detailed specifications or installa- tion instructions since these vary with the type and size of the tow. The number
and location of the electrode blocks or alarm switches to be installed in an unmanned tow are determined by the activity
preparing the tow and agreed to by the activity receiving the tow The installation should be sufficient to provide coverage
of major hull subdivisions. Alarms should be securely rigged and properly serviced to ensure performance and reliability
A variety of alarm types exist. Choosing one is a matter of judgment The electrical contact alarm that closes its circuit
when water makes contact is a workable alarm most of the time. If it is used in an engine room, however, oil in the bilge
may coat the wires as flooding progresses and render the alarm useless. Carefully consider the practicality of each
proposed alarm location Innovation is advisable.
To supplement the flooding alarm, tug watch personnel should be alert for list, excessive drag, change in roll period or
unexpected trim in the tow. All the aforementioned characteristics are possible signs of flooding
SUPSALV ALARM SYSTEM . In early 1988, NAVSEA 00C commenced procurement of a Flooding and Fire
Alarms System. Several kits are to be positioned in the Emergency Ship Salvage Material (ESSM) System. Each kit
consists of the following:
8 heat detectors
8 low-level, float-actuated water detectors
8 high-level float-actuated water detectors
1 light stand assembly with suitable high- visibility strobe warning lights, visible from 3,000 feet in broad daylight
1 siren audible at 3,000 feet
75 electrical cables, in 100-foot lengths, with waterproof connectors
1 self-monitoring control panel to control the sensors and alarms
Spare parts.
Each kit is complete, with the exception of the 12- volt battery system to provide power. Power for the alarm system
should be separate from the power source for the navigation lights. More than one kit may be required to rig a large tow.
NAVSEA also is developing a companion radio system, using a digitized data to link the control panel on the tow with a
terminal on board the tow ship.
The SUPSALV Flooding and Fire Alarm system will be available for loan to Navy activities, on a case basis, for
significant tows. Interested commands should contact NAVSEA 00C2, 202-697-7403 or A/V 227-7403.
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