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A large structure mounted on the deck or in a bulkhead that is used to lead or stop off a tow hawser A hard point
used for towing.
Hawk anchor
See "Anchor hawk"'
Heavy castings through which the anchor chain runs from the deck down and forward through the ship's bow
A heavy line or wire rope; any line over 5 inches in circumference.
Vertical displacement of a ship m a seaway, as distinct from pitching, which is essentially a rotation about an
athwartships axis. Heave generally refers to an upward movement, bodily, of the entire ship.
Heave around
To haul in
Heave in
To haul in
Heave taut
To haul in until the line has a strain on it.
Heave to
To stop; to bring the ship to a halt, dead in the water
Heeling over
The twist or curvature of the individual strands of a wire rope.
Kinking of one or more strands of twisted fiber or wires on a wire rope.
Hog (hogging)
Deviation of the keel from a straight line, in which the keel is concave downward.
Hogging strap
A restraining line exerting force on the hawser to hold it close against the caprail and/or closer to the fantail.
Horsepower, brake
The power delivered at the engine's shaft.
Horsepower, indicated
Power measured in diesel engine cylinders by means of an instrument (the "indicator") which continuously records
the steam or gas pressure throughout the length of the piston travel
Horsepower, shaft
Power transmitted through the shaft to the propeller. It is usually measured aboard the ship as close to the
propeller as possible by means of a torsionmeter. The power actually delivered to the propeller is somewhat less
than that measured by the torsionmeter
Hydrodynamic resistance
The force exerted by the motion of fluids upon a body immersed in the fluid As applied to towing the resis-
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