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![]() TB 740-97-4
9. Painting. Painting of vessels will .be in accordance with TB 43-0144.
10. Marking. Marking of vessels will be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
11. Safety Precautions. a. Common Hazards. Both personnel and materiel are exposed to some hazards in nearly all preservation
procedures. However, with proper care, any of the materials described herein may be used safely.
(1) Flammability. Many cleaning materials, preservatives and sealing compounds are flammable, some give off
flammable vapors and some form explosive mixtures when the vapors combine with air. The danger is greatest when the materials
are used in a confined space.
(2) Skin irritation. Many of the materials tend to irritate the skin upon contact, and exposure to the fumes or liquids has
caused severe cases of dermatitis or other injuries. Cleaning materials are particularly hazardous in this respect.
(3) Toxicity. Some of the materials are mildly toxic. None of them should be inhaled in any great concentration. Spray
applications are particularly dangerous.
b. Safety Program. A well planned and constantly enforced safety program will be provided. An effective safety program will
place emphasis on ventilation, fire prevention and personnel safety.
(1) Ventilation. Adequate ventilation of work areas will be provided. Where using volatile materials in a confined space,
an exhaust system will be utilized to evacuate fumes from the area.
(2) Fire prevention. Fire fighting equipment will be kept available at all times, and the personnel engaged in preservation
will be instructed in its use. They will also be instructed as to the course of action in the event of fire. Smoking and the use of fire
and open lights will be prohibited in work areas. Explosion-proof electrical switches and controls will be required on all equipment
used in the vicinity of, and for the application of volatile materials. Electrically operated equipment and spray equipment will be
(3) Personnel safety. Personnel will be required to observe safety regulations concerning the use of respiratory masks
when spraying, safety goggles when handling or working near cleaning solvents and all spray applications, and protective gloves
when working with cleaning materials and preservatives.
12. Boat Set-Basic Issue Items. Boat sets-basic issue items are divided into four major groups consisting of operating equipment,
operating supplies, on board repair parts, and accessory items. Boat set components and accessory items shall be preserved,
packaged and packed in accordance with the published Packaging Data Sheet applicable for design craft. In the absence of
published Packaging Data Sheets boat set component and accessory items shall be preserved, packaged and packed in accordance
with MIL-P-116, MIL-R-196, PPP-P-40 and MIL-E-17555, as applicable.
13. Contact Preservatives and Other Materials. a. The P-type preservatives and the majority of packaging materials, and
methods of application, specified herein, are described in MIL-P-116 and TM 38-230.
b. Application. Before applying coating and sealing materials such as bituminous coating, strippable coating, lacquer resisting
synthetic primer, and pressure sensitive tape, the surfaces to which the material is to be applied will be dry and clean of oil, grease,
dirt and other contamination. The following additional guides will be observed in the use of materials.
(1) Bituminous coating. When applied over strippable coating, bituminous coating will be sprayed or troweled to a
thickness of 1/8 inch. At least 4 hours should elapse between the application of strippable and bituminous coatings. When applied
directly to metal surfaces to caulk or seal a joint, the thickness of the coating will be appropriate for the application.
(2) Desiccant (bagged). To minimize absorption of moisture, bagged desiccant will be kept in sealed containers until the
moment it is to be placed within the area being dehumidified. Bagged desiccant will be used only for static dehumidification. The
desiccant will be secured in a manner to prevent contact with metallic surfaces, and the area or item in which it is placed will be
closed and sealed immediately.
(3) Lacquer-resisting synthetic primer. The primer is applied to metal clutch and brake drums to prevent corrosion.
Clutch and brake facings will be removed or held clear of the surfaces to which the primer has been applied until it is thoroughly dry.
It is not necessary to remove the primer prior to use. The first operation of the mechanism will cause the primer to be removed as a
fine dust.
Stir or mix well. Primer has a tendency to "gum up" rather than "powder off" as a fine dust, if not thoroughly mixed
prior to application.
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