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![]() TB 740-97-4
shown on figures 19 and 20) will be sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating. Keyholes and small openings
resulting from removal of windshield wiper and other items will be masked with pressure-sensitive tape and sealed with
strippable coating and bituminous coating. Window drains will be sealed in the same manner, or fitted with pipe plugs.
(f) Fanroom. The metal covers will be installed over the louvered openings to the fanroom (except the two
openings to be used in the dehumidification system as shown on figures 19 and 20). The edges of the installed covers will
be sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating. The damper handle will be sealed in the same manner.
(g) Fill, vent and discharge lines . All valves, mains, vents, overflow and discharge lines on decks and on the
exterior of the hull above the waterline will be closed and sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating.
(h) Scuttle to crew's quarters. The scuttle to the crew's quarters will be sealed by troweling bituminous coating
into the aperture between the coaming and the closed cover. The recess in the center of the cover will be masked with
pressure sensitive tape and sealed with strippable coating.
(i) Windlass cover. A cover will be fabricated and installed over the entire anchor windlass. The cover will be
made of No. 18 gage galvanized sheet metal, with welded or soldered seams. The top will be slanted approximately 1/2-
inch per foot downward toward the motor end of the winch. A coaming of 1 x 1/8-inch angle iron will be tack welded to the
deck around the winch. The angle irons will be positioned with one face against the deck and the vertical face toward the
windlass. The size and shape of the coaming will be such that the sheet metal cover fits snugly over the vertical faces.
The sheet metal cover will be fastened to the coaming by two No. 12 sheet metal screws through each long face. The
screws will be spaced approximately 18 inches from the ends. The cover will be provided with openings for application of
an air duct and a sensing element as shown on figure 20. Apertures between the coaming and the deck will be filled with
bituminous coating. All joints and seams will be sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating.
(j) Vitidlass speed control box. The openings around the wires at the base of the box and the operating
handle extension through the box will be sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating. The openings may first be
filled with a packing or sealed with tape to facilitate bridging with strippable coating. Five units of bagged desiccant
conforming to MIL Spec D-3464 will be distributed within the box, and cover closed immediately and sealed with strippable
coating. The cover will be stenciled "DESICCANT INSERTED (Month) (Year)."
(k) Capstan. All openings above the deck to the interior of the capstan will be sealed with strippable coating
and bituminous coating.
(I) Exterior doors and portlights. All exterior doors, except those to the boatswain's locker and the cleaning
gear locker, will be sealed as specified for pilothouse doors. Strippable coating will be applied over the exterior of the
portlight frames and outward over adjacent surfaces of the bulkhead in a manner to prevent entry of water into the recess
outside the portlight.
(m) Dehumidification piping system . The connecting points of all air tubing or ducts to areas being dehumidified
will be sealed with strippable coating and bituminous coating. The sealing will be carried over and around flanges,
adapters, and other devices used to attach or introduce the tubing or ducts. All joints in the tubing and ducts will be
similarly sealed.
(n) Capstan master switch. All openings above the deck to the interior of the switch housing will be sealed as
specified for the capstan.
(o) Galley rangefuel oil valve extension rod. The galley range fuel oil emergency shut-off extension rod, which
projects through the bulkhead, will be turned to full open position, and the rod and adjacent bulkhead will be coated with
strippable coating.
(4) Dehumidification installation .
(a) Dehumidification machine . A package dehumidifier, single desiccant bed, absorbent type, 10,000 cubic
feet, 110-volt, alternating current, will be installed. The machine, with a cover and stand fabricated in accordance with
figure 21, will be mounted on the main deck near the aft port corner of the deckhouse as shown on figure 20.
(b) Duct installation . Galvanized tubing, 4-inch diameter, No. 26 gage, with necessary ells, tees, reducing
fittings, and connections will be installed generally as shown on figures 19 and 20. Ductwork will be supported on 2 x 4-
inch wood stanchions. The ducts will be fastened to the stanchions by galvanized strapping.
(c) Dry air lines. Dry air lines will be run to the anchor windlass cover, to the window farthest to port on the aft
face of the pilothouse, and to the louvered opening farthest to port on the aft face of the fanroom. Flanges of exterior
grade plywood or
Change 2 F-2
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