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TM 5-1940-277-10
TM 1940-10/1
Boat operator (upstream boat). When the bow and stern lines are tight, place both scoop control levers in reverse
to hold the raft against the bank
Boat operator (downstream boat). When the upstream boat is secured in place and holding the raft against the
bank, pivot the boat against the downstream rafting brackets so that the bow is facing away from the bank.
Assistant boat operators (downstream boat). Secure bow line to the bridge anchor pin farthest from the bow of the
boat on the interior bay next to the ramp bay. Tighten the bow line and secure it to the bow bollard on the same
side of the boat as the raft.
Boat operator (downstream boat). When the bow line is secured, put the downstream scoop control lever in
reverse to pull the bow line tight.
Assistant boat operators (downstream boat). Secure stern line to the bridge anchor pin farthest from the stem of
the boat on the interior bay next to the ramp bay. Pull the stem line tight and wrap it twice around the capstan.
Crank the capstan until all slack is out of the stem and bow lines. Secure free end of the stern line to the stem
bollard on the opposite side of the boat from the raft.
Boat operator (downstream boat). When the bow and stem lines are tight, place both scoop control levers in
forward, turn helm into the current and idle to help hold the raft against the bank m. Assistant boat operators (both
boats). Operate ramp pumps and approach ramps. Secure and cast off approach guys. Check traffic. Check and
tighten bow and stem lines as needed.
Boat operators (both boats). Maneuver boats in accordance with signals from raft commander.
Always position scoop control levers so that boats push raft against the shore
during loading and off loading of traffic.  Bridge or equipment damage could
Always secure raft to bank with approach guys during loading and off loading of
traffic. Raft could be pushed away from shore causing vehicle loading/off loading
to dump into water.
Rafts operating in a river crossing with more than one raft using same loading
and unloading sites will follow a figure eight traffic pattern.


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