TM 5-1940-321-13&P
a. Scuff Light Colored Side. Scuff the lighter colored (charcoal gray) side of hypalon neoprene
fabric. Do not scuff strongan fabric except to remove old glue.
b. Scuff Uniformly. Scuff to remove a uniform but small amount of coating from the fabric.
Carefully control the angle of the tool, the pressure of the tool against the fabric, and the speed the tool is
moved over the fabric. For proper scuffing, a sanding disk should be operated at 8,000-10,000 rpm. The
dremmel tool can be operated above 10,000 rpm. The rpm at which tools operate is normally marked on
the tool s identification plate.
c. Scuff Methodically. Move the tool across the fabric from one side to the other in a straight
line. Make another pass immediately below the previously scuffed area. No line between the two scuffed
areas should be visible. Continue until the desired area is scuffed. Do not hurry. Avoid leaving small
areas unscuffed.
d. Remove Debris. Use a hand brush periodically to clean the neoprene dust from the fabric
so that the fabric is visible.
e. Scuff to Correct Depth. If the surface of the fabric is only lightly scratched, scuffing is
insufficient. Some neoprene debris, which appears as black dust, should be visible. If threads within the
fabric become visible, then scuffing is too deep. Fabric that is scuffed to expose fibers will not provide an
airtight repair.
f. Inspect Work. Brush away the neoprene dust and inspect the work. Rescuff any areas that
were missed or not scuffed to sufficient depth. The dremmel tool can be used to correct these small areas
and to scuff the edges of fabric.
g. Remove all Dust. Use a hand brush, vacuum, or compressed air to remove neoprene
residue from the fabric.
h. Cleanup. After scuffing, clean up all neoprene residue. Do not allow the residue to
contaminate the gluing table or craft. Keep fabric rolled, scuffed surface inside, until it is to be used.
i. Old Glue. When preparing previously glued fabric for regluing, scuff away any old glue.
Scuff fabric very lightly to expose fresh neoprene, but never deep enough to expose the nylon threads.