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TM 55-1905-217-34P
N - Indicates an added item.
allowance of special tools for DS/GS levels of
C - Indicates a change in data.
maintenance will represent initial stockage for a 30-day
R - Indicates a change in FSN only.
period for the number of equipments supported. (Not
f. The following publications pertain to the landing
craft and its components:
Equipments/Contingency Planning Purposes.
TM 55-1905-217-12
Operator and
(1) Items authorized for use as required but not
for initial stockage are identified with an asterisk in the
allowance column.
TM 55-1905-217-20P
(2) This column indicates the total quantity of
special tools required for distribution and contingency
Repair Parts
planning purposes. (Not applicable).
Depot  Maintenance  Allowance  per  100
and Special
Tools Lists
TM 55-1905-217-34
Direct Support
(1) Items authorized for use as required but not
and General
for initial stockage are identified with an asterisk in the
allowance column.
(2) This column indicates the total quantity of
special tools authorized for depot maintenance of 100
equipments. (Not applicable).
i. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure number
When Federal stock number or reference
of the illustration on which the item is shown.
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout number
number is unknown:
(1) Using the table of contents determine the
used to reference the item in the illustration.
4. Special Information.
assembly group within which the repair part belongs.
a.  Usable on codes are included in Column 3.
This is necessary since illustrations are prepared for
Uncoded items are applicable to all models and/or serial
assembly groups, and listings are divided into the same
number range. Identifications of the usable on codes
(2) Find the illustration covering the assembly
used in this publication are:
group to which the repair part belongs.
Used On
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustration and
Marinette Marine Corp. LCM 8500 thru 8519
note the illustration figure number and item number of
Gunderson Bros. Engineering Corp. LCM 8520
the repair part.
thru 8539
(4) Using the repair parts listing, find the
Rohr Corp LCM 8540 thru 8560 and 8580 thru
assembly group to which the repair part belongs and
locate the illustration figure and item number noted on
b. The basis of issue for authorized special tools,
the illustration.
test, and support equipment is the number of end items
b.  When the Federal stock number or reference
of equipment supported and the number of maintenance
number is known:
personnel  allocated  to  perform  the  required
(1) Using the Index of Federal Stock Numbers
maintenance operations.
and Reference Numbers find the pertinent Federal stock
c. Parts which require manufacture or assembly at
number and reference number.
This index is in
a level higher than that authorized for installation will
ascending FSN sequence followed by a list of reference
indicate in the source column the higher level.
numbers in ascending alpha-numeric sequence, cross-
d. Repair parts kits and gasket sets appear as the
referenced to the illustration figure number and item
last entries in the repair parts listing for the group or
assembly to which they apply.
(2) Using the Repair Parts Listing, find
e.  Action change codes indicated in the left-hand
margin of the listing page denote the following:


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