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TM 55-1905-220-14-8
4-5. GENERAL (Continued).
Table 4-3A. Portable Fire Pump (PE-250) - Pump Troubles
Tables 4-1A thru 4-3A apply to the Prosser PE250 electric start portable fire
pump. Tables 4-1 thru 4-4 apply the Gale Marine P-250 portable fire pump.
1. Pump primes slowly or not at all.
Step 1. Air leaking into the priming system or suction hose.
Determine location of air leakage - perform hydrostatic leakage test in paragraph 4-7Ac(2).
Step 2. Defective check valve in exhaust cooling line.
Remove and replace check valve.
Step 3. Defective priming switch.
Remove and replace priming switch.
2. Magnetic clutch slipping.
Step 1. Clutch slipping.
Step 2. Defective magnetic clutch.
Remove and replace magnetic clutch, refer to paragraph 4-7.5A.
Step 3. Defective priming pump pulley.
Replace magnetic clutch, refer to paragraph 4-7.5A.
Step 4. Improper fan belt tension.
Check fan belt tension.
Step 5. Defective priming pump.
Repair or replace priming pump, refer to paragraph 4-7.5A.


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