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TM 55-1905-221-14-1
(18) The starting system accumulators and valves are shown in figure 2-12. Two accumulators with shutoff
valves are located in the engine room. Prior to starting an inboard engine, the valve controlling the accumulator for the
engine to be started must be opened. A crossover system allows starting of an engine from either accumulator.
(19) The hydraulic starting system hand pump and valve (fig. 2-13), are located on the port side of the port
propulsion unit. The hand pump is used to restore pressure in the accumulators if engines are not running.
(20) The steering system valves, pump discharge (fig. 2-14). Only one steering pump is needed to supply the
steering system, so one is closed at all times. Valves are located aft in engine room.
(21) The steering system valves cylinders (fig. 2-15), are in lazarette and are used only if it is necessary to
isolate a cylinder because of failure.
(22) The clutch lever, ramp hoist system pump (fig. 2-16), is mounted forward on each propulsion unit. The
winch may be operated by using one or both pumps.
Figure 2-12. Hydraulic Starting System Accumulator.


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