TM 55-1905-221-14-2
5-18. FUEL INJECTOR (Continued).
d. With the injector rack in FULL
FUEL position, and the popping
handle locked in position by
means of a handle lock, stroke
pump operating handle to build
up and maintain pressure.
e. Use the adjusting screw in the
injector tester handle and
depress the injector plunger
just far enough to close both
ports in the injector bushing.
The point at which both ports
are closed is easily noticed
because the injector spray
will decrease appreciably
and the pressure will rise.
f. If there is excessive clear-
ance between the plunger and
bushing, the operator will be
unable to pump up pressure
beyond normal valve opening
(pop) pressure. Replacement
of the plunger and bushing is
then necessary.
Do not permit the pressure in the test fixture to equal or exceed 'the capacity of the
pressure gage.
g. Pump the test fixture and main-
tain a pressure of 1600-2000
psl. Inspect for leaks at the
injector filter cap gaskets,
body plugs, injector nut seal
ring area, and injector rack